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Powerful, Intuitive Distance Healing to Transform Your Life

for the Deepest Healing of the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies.




Jane Smolnik
Certified Intuitive Energy Healer, ND,
Certified Spiritual Healer, Lic. Avatar Master

This is my real specialty and my absolute FAVORITE work to do!

I have always been highly Intuitive. When I went to school for Intuitive Diagnosis work over 20 years ago, it was very easy for me. I felt like I just needed to be reminded. 

I can work with anyone, anywhere, simply by having your name, location, and age, as well as your permission.

Your 'Guides' are always happy to assist when you ask! We can open your Akashic Records (your Soul's records), and connect with your own Angels, Guides, Ancestors, Star Family, and even your Medical Assistant 'Team'.


The info is highly insightful and very inspiring!

It is loving, compassionate and sacred work as we facilitate healing on a very deep level.  Read on....

Use coupon code: 'Spirit30off' for $30 off your first session!

When you are dealing with chronic problems, it is usually deeply rooted in our Soul's journey. 

While changing lifestyle patterns, eating healthy, cleansing, and using natural therapies can create an excellent foundation, it is often not enough to shift underlying patterns, trauma's, and memories stored on a cellular level in our DNA for complete and immediate healing.  This is holistic healing!

What I do in this phone session, with your permission, is connect with your Akashic Records (your Soul's Records), and your Guides, Masters, Loved Ones, Your 'Medical Assistant Team', and your Highest Self.  I act as a bridge to facilitate communication with you. I will ask you exactly what you want to work on so they know what you are ready to heal.

I will scan the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body, including the chakra's, to see what is going on and what is needed to assist your process.


Then I listen. I am often amazed at what comes through.  It is gentle, compassionate, and deeply loving.  As they guide me and work through me, you will often feel a loving presence and have an understanding of what is needed as we bring to light deeper, subconscious issues, often from past lives and genetic family patterns, that need to be addressed and healed.  It can bring tremendous relief and huge insights, often bringing us to tears!  This creates REAL healing.

EVERY SINGLE TIME I am amazed and grateful for this work.  This can ultimately refresh your Spirit, heal your cells and empower your life. Everyone should experience it - more than once!

Every session is recorded for your review! Powerful insights and info usually come in from your Guides, Angels, Ancestors, Etc.

Current Special*!
$199 for 90 minute session. 
(Reg. $199, receive $30 off  first session with coupon code: Spirit30off)

Listen to what people are saying about it: 

" My akashic records session with Dr. Jane Smolnik was nothing short of profound.  When the guides, angels, masters, and even passed relatives came forward I could feel a surge of energy.  Unconditional love was so very present and there was no doubt in my analytical mind that this was very, very real.  I learned a number of things that I needed to hear to progress in my path of spiritual evolution.  I learned that there was a man who hurt me as a child that required both my forgiveness and deep understanding of that contractual agreement we agreed upon before incarnation. My mother came forward and helped me to accept some major things from my childhood.  But most importantly I could feel her love in a fullness that I never felt it when she was alive.  I would highly recommend this to everyone."    Dr. Gael Riverz, ND

This will create permanent, lasting results and can release things

from many generations or lifetimes back.

" My akashic records (healing) session with Dr. Jane Smolnik was nothing short of profound.  When the guides, angels, masters, and even passed relatives came forward I could feel a surge of energy.  Unconditional love was so very present and there was no doubt in my analytical mind that this was very, very real.  I learned a number of things that I needed to hear to progress in my path of spiritual evolution.  I learned that there was a man who hurt me as a child that required both my forgiveness and deep understanding of that contractual agreement we agreed upon before incarnation. My mother came forward and helped me to accept some major things from my childhood.  But most importantly I could feel her love in a fullness that I never felt it when she was alive.  I would highly recommend this to everyone."    Gael Riverz, ND

"I had an Akashic Record session with Jane concerning some family issues and conflict.  I needed to understand just what I needed to do to help in a complex situation.  As the situation continued to arise and create so much emotional and mental discord for me.'


Jane connected with my Divine Higher Self, Angels, Archangels, Star Beings, Ascended Masters and proceeded to receive information that was very informative, supportive, right on target and clarified in many ways just how I could proceed to help my family members in a positive way to provide from a distance to support them thru their Divine Beings.... to help them thru their situations.  And that this effort was also going to help me shift my energy to a higher level as well.


What this did for me was I realized how much responsibility released from what I was working to do myself and shifted it all onto the Divine beings, asking them for help in prayer, Golden White Light, and sharing with the family member as much I could to explain to them what I was doing to help them and to also help them see that they also needed to ask for their own help to move them more into their own spirituality. So the session helped me to increase my abilities spirituality and to help the family member begin to see a connection too.


The huge shift arrived for me that day and the following day.  As this session had shifted my own energy to a higher level and I noticed a complete shift in my mood, energy, and noticed so many positive feelings coming in many ways after the session.  It is so amazing that such a session with energy, opening the Akashic Records and allowing it to share information to help you move forward instead of staying stuck doing the same thing over.  It truly helps to shift in many directions.


Energy work of this kind is so valuable for us to utilize for our own healing, understanding, and finding our way thru life in challenging situation where we just do not know where to go for help.  I have found the power in the Divine Asking for help and trusting to let them help me.  It has been an interesting and amazing journey to find this source of help when there seems no other direction to turn to.  Much Gratitude and appreciation to Jane for all that has been accomplished with her in the past 2 years!  Blessings." - L. N., Clyde, NC

"About an hour after our call I was extremely exhausted. But when you said that space opens up, that's literally what happened!  I've been lying here for 2 hours reveling in the expansion of my lungs! Taking deeper breaths, with ease, than ever before!  Also feeling much peace.  And I feel good this morning even though my daughter said she was staying in Siberia (an issue we worked on), I didn't freak out about the loss of my daughter but went to the place of feeling happy if this is what makes her happy."  - G.R. Wisconsin

Emotions are deep seeded and in layers, but this treatment allows the mind to rest and the body to answer questions that Dr. Smolnik asks. The body lets it be known where healing needs to occur and Dr. Smolnik simply takes care of it with this wonderful healing modality. I am in awe, have experienced instant life shifts, and getting unstuck in places where I have been stuck all my life. Thank you so much and I will continue working with her several more times knowing that feeling really free is completely possible and very near." -  L. S. - Asheville

"I am so grateful for your willingness to present me with this quantum healing process. It couldn't have come at a better time in my life as I am getting healthier and carrying a higher vibration within that will continue to help with healing on all levels.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Jane."  Very sincerely and with Love and Light. 

K. P., Conn.

I've done emotional release / intuitive healing

with others but never got the results that I have

with Dr. Jane. She was spot-on with the ages in

which I experienced shock or trauma without me

telling her. She's very compassionate and the

clearing process she used made me feel like a 

huge weight was lifted from me! I feel better 

emotionally than I have in years maybe even decades.

I highly recommend this process to anyone that has 

tried to change themselves or their life yet still feel stuck.

The process itself was very gentle and relaxing.

Thank you Dr. Jane. You are a lady of many TRUE talents!


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Copyright 2021  Ultimate Healing, Jane Smolnik, Asheville, NC  Do NOT use or copy any information without written permission. 

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